Javascript의 최신 기능
Modern JavaScript features you may have missed
개발에만 집중하게 되면 놓칠 수 있는 자바스크립트 최신 기능
Binary and octal literals
2진수 변경 0b
const binaryZero = 0b0;
const binaryOne = 0b1;
const binary255 = 0b11111111;
const binaryLong = 0b111101011101101;
8진수 변경 0o
// Pizza toppings
const olives = 0b0001;
const ham = 0b0010;
const pineapple = 0b0100;
const artechoke = 0b1000;
const pizza_ham_pineapple = pineapple | ham;
const pizza_four_seasons = olives | ham | artechoke;
isNaN(NaN) === true
isNaN(null) === false
isNaN(undefined) === true
isNaN({}) === true
isNaN('0/0') === true
isNaN('hello') === true
Number.isNaN(NaN) === true
Number.isNaN(null) === false
Number.isNaN(undefined) === false
Number.isNaN({}) === false
Number.isNaN('0/0') === false
Number.isNaN('hello') === false
Exponent (power) operator
Transpilers : @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator
2**2 === 4
3**2 === 9
3**3 === 27
Transpilers : babel-plugin-array-includes
[1, 2, 3].includes(2) === true
[1, 2, 3].includes(true) === false
const object1 = {};
const object2 = {};
const array = [object1, 78, NaN];
array.includes(object1) === true
array.includes(object2) === false
array.includes(NaN) === true
// positions 0 1 2 3 4
const array = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2];
array.includes(1, 2) === true
array.includes(1, 3) === false
Shared Array Buffers & Atomics
브라우저 프로세스간에 메모리를 직접적으로 공유하고, 경쟁 조건을 피하도록 할수 있는 기능 이것의 기능은 아래의 URL에서 참고 하도록 하자
Regex bonanza
ES2018의 새로운 정규 표현식의 기능
Lookbehind matches (match on previous chars)
const regex = /(?<=\$)\d+/;
const text = 'This cost $400';
text.match(regex) === ['400']
Look ahead: (?=abc)
Look behind: (?<=abc)
Look ahead negative: (?!abc)
Look behind negative: (?<!abc)
You can name capture groups
const getNameParts = /(\w+)\s+(\w+)/g;
const name = "Weyland Smithers";
const subMatches = getNameParts.exec(name);
subMatches[1] === 'Weyland'
subMatches[2] === 'Smithers'
const getNameParts = /(?<first>\w+)\s(?<last>\w+)/g;
const name = "Weyland Smithers";
const subMatches = getNameParts.exec(name);
const {first, last} = subMatches.groups
first === 'Weyland'
last === 'Smithers'
Array.prototype.flat() & flatMap()
const multiDimensional = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
multiDimensional.flat(2) === [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
const texts = ["Hello,", "today I", "will", "use FlatMap"];
// with a plain map
const mapped = => text.split(' '));
mapped === ['Hello', ['today', 'I'], 'will', ['use', 'FlatMap']];
// with flatmap
const flatMapped = texts.flatMap(text => text.split(' '));
flatMapped === ['Hello', 'today', 'I', 'will', 'use', 'FlatMap'];
Unbound catches
try {
// something throws
} catch {
// don't have to do catch(e)
String trim methods
const padded = ' Hello world ';
padded.trimStart() === 'Hello world ';
padded.trimEnd() === ' Hello world';